Combine agile and rapid prototyping to deliver a successful Microsoft Dynamics CRM project very quickly
The Situation: If you are in the Software Development space you would have been at some stage, part of a long and winding CRM project. Also the reasons for the lengthy CRM projects range from requirements changing through the course of the project, lack of strong vendor selection process to strong leadership to make critical decisions. There is no silver bullet that can get you through the project without any of the above simply because projects are established and executed by people. How do we tackle a CRM project without much fuss.? The Solution discussion: Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides the basic building blocks and the tools to extend it to meet your custom requirements. It is also easier to deliver a successful Dynamics CRM project faster by Combining Agile and rapid prototyping. This is exactly the approach being demonstrated here. This approach may not work if you don’t have enough experience within delivery team to estimate work effort accurately and execu...